Scroll down for the Links to the Authors Pre-orders!
What are Author Preorders?
Author Preorders are a way for Attendee’s to Pre order and Pre Pay for books prior to the event.
What are the benefits of Preorders?
Preordering Books directly from the authors means that it is much easier to spread the cost of the books you want to get over the months leading up to the event. It also helps the author to know how many books to bring to the event. As some of our authors are coming from really far away, some may not bring too many books with them. So, to avoid disappointment, Preorders is highly recommended! A lot of authors also include free swag in their preorders as a thank you!
Who handles the Preorders?
Authors are responsible for their own preorders. In most cases you will pre pay before the event, and you will receive an invoice. On the day of the event, you go straight to the authors table and pick up your preorder there. Some ask for a deposit only, but if you want to pay all upfront, message them and I am sure they can help!
Top Tips for Pre-ordering!
Remembering everyone you have preorders for can get confusing. I know my memory isnt great, anyway. The best way to make sure you are the most informed is to create a google doc or a note on your phone and list the authors name and what you have ordered.
Bring your ID and the order conformation with you on the day so you can pick up your order with ease!
Authors Preorder Links
Just click the Authors name you want and it will take you to their form. Not all Authors will have a preorder form. For the Authors that we DO have links for, we will update them below. There will be more popping up closer to the time, so pop back here to find them when you need them. Please check the deadlines for each author, as each of them are different. So far Penelope Douglas and Raven Kennedy are only signing books and items that the attendee’s bring themselves.